Times change. And I think truthfully, for all considered, I think I keep up pretty well. But, I must admit that, although not a total ignorant, I have been a little slow to pick up the pace on this issue. I think the first time my eyes were opened was with the movie, An Inconvenient Truth with Al Gore speaking out.
For the most part, I have "acted" green. Susan and I both drive cars that are at the top of the spectrum in fuel efficiency. We have replaced our old furnace with a high efficiency furnace, and we've replaced most of our windows. There are numerous other things we've done but you know they're not enough. It truly is an area where you can always do better.
My son, Kyle, arrived home recently for his Christamas vacation and I was a little surprised how big his focus is on being green as a university student. I must admit he has raised my awareness level.
So... here's the first of many posts on Going Green.
I'm just going to post a couple links here. I hope you take the time to read what is happening out there related to the real estate industry.
Check out : National Association of Green Agents and Brokers
Here's another one that doesn't appear to have regular updates but none the less hass some very good points to make. The address is my greenhomeblog.com
Rest assured, there is much more to follow on this issue.
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