Born and bred in Cambridge or Galt as it was known back in the old days, Brian is married to his high-school sweetheart Janet, (nee) Reid of Ayr, Ontario. They are proud parents of a daughter, Robin, son Matthew, daughter-in-law Amanda and two grand dogs, Milo and Stella.
He graduated from Southwood Secondary School and later earned a Bachelor of Science degree from McMaster University and a Master of Business Administration degree from Wilfred Laurier University.
His work experience has mainly been in manufacturing and distribution holding positions as an Industrial Chemist, Technical Sales Representative (automotive products), Director of Information Technology, National Sales and Marketing Manager for Canada and Vice President of Group Sales and Marketing for North America. He has had as accounts such customers as Ford Motor Company in Detroit, American Airlines, Delta Airlines, Westjet and the Canadian Military.
After several years of two to three hour daily commutes to and from his office, Brian broke away from the rat-race and gained his Real Estate license in April of 2007. His favourite hobbies include photography, videography and, as his wife puts it, playing with his computer! Brian is also active with his church and the Sunshine Kids.
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