Wednesday, January 13, 2010

2009 Annual Statistics

2009 was another interesting year in real estate.

We started the year mired in a recession, but the Canadian market came out of it the spring, and by April and May we were putting together good numbers. As a result of this, our statistics lagged behind last years numbers right though until the fall when we caught up, and, as you can see, we actually ended up the year ahead of last years number.

We receive national numbers through the press on a regular basis, and I warn that they should be taken with a grain of salt. The numbers show an average from across the country... and that's exactly what they are. An average. What is happening in Calgary has been very different than what has happened in Toronto, Vancouver, or Waterloo Region.

In southwestern Ontario, things are good. Our employment has a limited tie to manufacturing and as a result, unemployment has not played a huge factor. Interest rates continue at historic lows, and anyone in the business will tell you that this has been a big help to buyers.

We look to 2010 to be a good year. We don't see any big increases in values on the horizon, but prices should hold or increase marginally. As I write this, there have been increases in value in the higher valued homes, mostly because of the cheap rate of borrowing. Barring the unforeseen, it should be a good year.

Here are the Region's annual numbers:

K-W This YearK-W Last YearCambridge This YearCambridge Last Year
Avg. Sale Price$ 261,379$264,294$258,415$256,044
Percentage Change-1.1%-0.9%
Properties Sold6456611426722521
New Listings/Sales Ratio64.6%61.1%52.7%49.9%

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