Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Greenrealestate Designation™

Through the National Association of Green Real Estate Agents and Brokers, (a Canadian affiliation), you can attain a designation in Green Real Estate. You can do this by taking courses and paying an annual fee.

Three of the courses (which you can take online or in the classroom) qualify for RECO credits. The courses which are good for credits are:
"Green Heating and Cooling Options for the Home" - 2 credits
"Home Energy Efficiency" - 3 credits
"Home Hydro Usage - A Primer" - 3 credits

There is also an American designation available through Ecobroker, which offers courses and a designation as well. Prudential Real Estate presently offers a $ 50.00 discount for agents who join ECOBROKER before December 31, 2008. Although the site has a Canadian section, it appears lightly used at this point in time.

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